MEMO MEMO MEMO To:....... E88 users From:..... Emery Wooten / MRE Software Subject:.. Changes and new features of E88 version 4.22 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (1.) A program has been designed and included with this ARCHIVE that will allow the user to create a truly personal and customized copy of E88. This program (E8M.EXE), will allow you to build in all of your start up default settings including keyboard commands, colors, and option switches. We refer to it as The E88 Text Editor machine and hope that it will greatly enhance the appeal for our editor. (2.) Block operations are now fully supported. The commands provided are; Delete, Move, Copy, Print, and Disk dump. These commands were designed to be as fast and easy to use as possible and should help increase user productivity. (3.) Two search options have been added to the search routine. A replace all, and a remain here (Stand) command are now provided. (4.) A merge command has been added. This command will allow you to bring in a file from disk and append it onto the file being edited. (5.) Several new start-up switches (options) are provided and clue new features that they support. They are: (R) Word wrapping. Yes E88 now supports word wrapping. (H) High res. EGA mode. E88 now supports EGA 43 lines/screen mode. (S) Silence. Cut that annoying sound off! (E) End file mode. Not new but changed. The /E option now ends the ASCII file in a format that is perfect for .BAT and .SYS files. Using this option will prevent DOS from producing double C> prompts. This format has also been found compatible with many of the newer Microsoft products such as MASM 5.00. This, as well as all other options, may be made the default with E8M.EXE (6.) Two function keys combinations have been put into service to provide limited printer control from the keyboard. These keys will send a pre- defined user programmable string to the printer. The default settings for these strings will allow a form feed and a reset. (7.) Full IBM character set support is now provided. The user is now allowed to enter any ASCII character using the [Alt] keyboard method. This is a powerful feature when used with care. (8.) E88 will now load and save files that contain spaces padding the end of the lines. The editor will provide a visual guide so that the user can see the normally invisible spaces that exist there. Many database and graphics files that previously could not be edited with E88 now can. The user may also create files that contain padded spaces. This enhancement should make the program much more versatile. (9.) Delete/Insert line function speed increased by about 40% Internal restructuring and coding in E88 to support the block operations has resulted in this benefit. Users editing large files should notice the improvement. (10.) End of line and end of file commands now position the cursor 1 space past the last character instead of on it. We are listening to you. (11.) Automatic tab compression sensing has been eliminated. The editor no longer automatically switches into tab compression mode when the input file contains tab characters. (12.) Right margin setting is now provided to work with word wrap. This feature is great for preparing E-MAIL messages or other files in which the lines must be shorter than 80 characters. (13.) Many small touches such as windowed messages reporting disk activity have also been added. We have also tried to eliminate all of the small irritations reported by users in older versions. (14.) You may now quit E88 from the initial screen. Press [Enter] without a filename (null string) and you will return to DOS. (15.) E88 now supports directory searching and display capability both from within the program and from the title screen. Entering an asterisk in the filename will display the pathed directory for you at the title screen. A dir may also be obtained from the command window and with a function key while in edit mode. (16.) Thanks to user reports we have also enlarged our appendix containing information about using E88 with other programs. (17.) Microsystems Research and Engineering has installed a BBS system to provide E88 user support. The MRE Software support board is now on-line 24hrs a day. Call us at (601) 494-8078 300/1200 N81. Your primary Sysop is Tom Ford. I will also be there to field your questions, log your suggestions, and dodge any bullets fired in my direction. On-line registrations will also be accepted on the BBS using VISA/MasterCard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- See the .DOC file for more information on all these and other new features. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I would like to personally thank all users who have contributed their suggestions and took the time to register and support E88. This version of E88, as with past versions, reflects the best ideas and criticisms that you have provided me with. I will continue to follow this philosophy in the future. This program is truly shareware. I just built the foundation for it, you have provided the rest. my sincere thanks, Emery D. Wooten Jr. M.R.E. Software